We get to that point in the summer when it's very hot,
overwhelmingly. Test your warm patients. Wear clothing as small as clothing
legally possible. At this point, your beauty routine has probably been
simplified to include only the basic needs: sunscreen, mascara, a splash of cold
water at the end of the day, and that's great, but between sunburn, sweat, and
pollution, summer demands a little extra AffordableMakeupandFashion in the
beauty department. Do you think it's too hot to enjoy beauty therapy? Think
again. These DIY beauty treatments are not only great for the skin; they are
cool and refreshing enough to provide a respite from the three-digit outdoor
heat. Relax, relax, and look great, it's a win-win-win!
Aloe Vera facial ice Aloe vera is known as a sunburn
reliever, but even if you have been diligent with SPF, its soothing and
refreshing qualities will benefit your skin. To increase the cooling power,
make the ice cubes of aloe vera melt on your face on hot summer nights. Here's
how: put a teaspoon of aloe vera gel in each section of an ice cube tray and
cover it with about half an inch of filtered water. Freeze, then take out a
bucket and melt it on your face and neck to get a refreshing and
anti-inflammatory facial.
Cucumber cooling water toner This is a beauty treatment so
affordable, easy and refreshing that you will be tempted to reach it several
times a day, and that's fine! Cucumber water is not only a basic spa product,
but it also works as a moisturizing and rejuvenating toner. Cut cucumber and
add to two cups of filtered water. Let the cucumber water settle in the
refrigerator overnight, then transfer to a spray bottle (it is okay to remove
the cucumber slices if they do not fit, the water will be infused with cucumber
at this point). Keep it in the refrigerator and apply it when you wake up,
before putting on makeup, at bedtime and throughout the day when you need a
refreshing soda.
Strawberry milkshake mask in the summer, milkshakes
practically become your own food group. Put your hair in action with a
strawberry milkshake mask that absorbs fat, relieves irritation of the scalp
and increases shine. In a blender, combine a few large strawberries, 1.5
tablespoons of baking soda and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Mix
until the mixture reaches the consistency of the liquid, then refrigerate for
one hour. Cover your hair with the mixture of shakes, massaging on the roots
and scalp, and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water for extra
shine. Read more for beauty and fashion tips
Refrigerated tea bag for eye treatment putting cold tea bags
on your eyes is not only relaxing, but it also works wonders to reduce bags
under the eyes. Pour water over two bags of chamomile tea to activate the herbs
that are inside, squeeze out the excess water and then place them in the
refrigerator until they are cold and cold. Lie on your back and place tea bags
over your closed eyes for 10-15 minutes, inhaling the soothing aroma.
Facial Lemonade Scrub Exfoliation is a must in the summer
when sweat and dirt conspire to clog pores and cause outbreaks. This
lemonade-inspired facial scrub is easy to make and will help eliminate dead
skin, sweat, and irritants. To make, mix 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 1
tablespoon of cane sugar, half a tablespoon of water and two drops of lemon
essential oil. Refrigerate for an hour to let the ingredients cool and combine,
then gently massage over the face and neck in a circular motion. Wash with cold
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