10 Basic Beauty Tricks that Work
Affordable Makeup Fashion Products
May 10, 2020

The rush, current pace of life and stress do not always leave us much time to take care of ourselves. Therefore, we are going to make it easy for you: we will tell you about 10 basic beauty tricks that work.
Shine for your hair!
There are many beauty tricks for hair that promise to help
us show off a mane full of shine, but there is one that seems to us most effective:
olive oil. This simple trick consists of spreading olive oil through the hair,
spreading it well from roots to ends, leaving it to act for at least two hours
and then washing it normally, doing several shampoos passes to make sure to
remove the oil residues and nothing to rinse it with hot water, it better be
warm. Ready to shine!
Face without dark circles
If you want to hide the annoying dark circles, take note:
red lipstick. It sounds weird, but it works. First apply a little red lipstick with
a small brush all over the area of the eyecup. Then, blend it with the help
of the same brush that you used before, take dark circles concealer and apply
it on them through small taps with your finger and, finally, apply the makeup
base that you use all over your face, affecting the area of the dark circles,
but also applying it with a light tap of the fingers. The red tone will have
faded and there will be no trace of dark circles. It is one of the beauty
tricks for the face that we like the most!
Natural mask for a face
without blemishes
If what you need are effective facial beauty tricks to
combat skin blemishes, we have what you are looking for. We recommend that you
try this natural mask: you only need the juice of one lemon and extract the
juice from a couple of leaves of the aloe vera. Mix both ingredients and then
apply the mask to your face and leave it to act for about 25 minutes. Then
rinse with warm water and pat dry. If you do it once a week, you will notice
the results.
Softer Lips
Do you want to show off your impact smile? There is a trick
to exfoliate the lips that the actress Jennifer Aniston herself has confessed
that she uses: a little sugar and water are enough to rub the lips and leave
them soft and impeccable. Works!
Goodbye, black dots
Another of the homemade beauty tricks that we want to
recommend is to solve another very common problem: black points. If you want to
get rid of them, you just have to exfoliate the skin with the mixture made of a
little bicarbonate, aloe vera juice and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply it to
your face, rinse with water and dry well. Do not forget that, also, to combat
blackheads, it is essential to remove make-up and clean your face well every
day, drink plenty of water and eat a healthy and balanced diet.
Longer lashes without a
Do you want to enhance your eyelashes? With a little
petroleum jelly you will achieve it in a very natural way. Actress Aida Folch,
for example, has already confessed on the occasion that this is one of the
homemade beauty tricks she uses when she runs out of her mascara.
Against stretch marks
An effective trick to fight stretch marks is to apply Rosa
Mosqueta on the body at night and let it act. It helps to regenerate the skin
and heal. You will notice the results!
For Softer Skin
We love homemade beauty tricks because they are inexpensive
and we can put them into practice when we have time for ourselves. In this case
we are going to give you a perfect beauty tip to have a softer body skin: once
a week use the horsehair glove to massage the skin and help eliminate dead
cells to activate and improve circulation. This simple practice will make your
skin look like a baby's!
Cristina Pedroche's star
beauty tip
The beauty tricks of the famous are always very popular and
the truth is that some of them are very curious, but others are so basic that
we often forget the importance they have to show off a perfect face. One of
Cristina Pedroche's star tricks to show off a well-groomed and bright face is
to remove makeup properly. The popular presenter and collaborator have
repeatedly assured that she never goes to bed without washing her face and
removing her makeup. In your daily routine, the first step is to remove your
eyes, then a bit of make-up remover for the face, facial toner and, finally,
moisturizer. It also uses a facial cleansing brush.
10. Invisible stockings
There are some beauty tips for women that leave us
open-mouthed. Have you ever wondered what famous women look like such perfect
legs without stockings? Well, one of the tricks is a star product that celebs
such as Paula Echevarría have already succumbed to. This is "a boat
stocking": Skin Tight Body Lotion by Prtty Peaushun, this body lotion body
helps to hide imperfections while achieving a tan effect on the skin, a product
that simulates perfect "invisible stockings".
We all like to feel beautiful and look good and, to achieve
this, we each have our beauty ritual or our head beauty tricks. The first thing
to keep in mind is that the time of year in which we find ourselves greatly
influences the care that our skin and hair need.
Key Beauty Tips in Winter
To take care of our hair and our skin during the winter
months there is a word that we must always keep in mind: hydration. It is
essential to avoid the effects of cold on the skin and hair. It is also
important not to forget to exfoliate the face and body to remove dead skin
cells and impurities.
Advice of Beauty for Women During the Summer
Hydration is also essential during the summer, however, in
the hottest months of the year, we must pay special attention to sun protection
for both the face and body, as well as for the hair, therefore, always It is
recommended to use sunscreen creams, makeup with protection factor and
sunscreen for hair.
However, there are many other aspects of beauty that concern
us regardless of the season of the year: wearing a perfect face, having an
impactful smile, showing off your figure… in our gallery we talk about the most
effective basic beauty tricks, so much so that Many celebs have already
succumbed to them. Take note!