Tuesday, June 25, 2019

7 Basic Tips to Take Care of Your Lips

Did you know that our lips do not have sebaceous glands? That's why the skin of this part of our body is much thinner and more sensitive and it dries easily. It is also more prone to appear wrinkles around.
That is why it is super important to moisturize the entire contour of our lips well but also to protect them from external conditions such as weather, overexposure to the sun, lack of vitamins or the consumption of alcohol or tobacco.

To keep them healthy, hydrated and avoid as far as possible the appearance of wrinkles we leave the following tips:

1. Exfoliation

Basic girls ... at least once a week we must perform an exfoliation of our lips. We can do it using our toothbrush with a little olive oil and sugar and making very gentle circular movements.

2. Hydration

Starting from the inside, hydration is essential to keep our body healthy. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, and then move on to moisturize your lips.

3. Humidification

Every day, after brushing your teeth, apply a generous amount of lip balm. We recommend using a balm that has oils and vitamins and sheabutter to regenerate dry lips.
Load your balm with you all day so you can apply it every time you feel dry.

4. Take care of your diet

Girls, it's very true that we are what we eat. In the specific case of our lips, we should make sure to eat enough vitamin A, B, and C.

5. Down to vices

For health, we must avoid overdoing alcohol and tobacco. Tobacco impressively dehydrates our body and causes wrinkles to appear prematurely. If you were already thinking about quitting, it's time!

6. Be careful with your makeup

Just as it is important to remove our eyes every day, the lips need the same treatment. Take care of the way you remove your makeup so you do not hurt the skin of your lips, but for nothing in the world, you fall asleep with your lips made up.

7. Remove the makeup, wash your teeth and then apply a balm.

We must also be very aware of the allergies that can cause us some products like lipsticks ... If they bought a new lipstick and dried their lips too much it is better to stop using it. If you part your lips and then later feel like pellets, that mark or that particular lipstick is not suitable for your skin type.

Extra tip: if you split your lips a lot, it's probably due to lack of hydration. Try to drink more water and exfoliate your lips 3 times a week. Look for a balm with extra hydration and apply it constantly all day. And try, as far as possible, not to tear off the skin. In 1 week you should see your lips reestablished and ready to use makeup again.


  1. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about lips. Please keep sharing.
    Health Is A Life
